Rest period and object load effects on upper limb muscle strength recovery for manual load transfer

Source avec lien : International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 89. 10.1016/j.ergon.2022.103274

Cette étude a examiné l’influence de la période de repos et de la charge de l’objet sur la récupération de la force musculaire des membres supérieurs après un travail manuel répétitif intermittent simulé de 9 minutes.

This study examined the rest period and object load influence on upper limb muscle strength recovery after a simulated 9 min intermittent repetitive manual work. Eight task conditions consisting of four rest periods (2.25, 4.5, 9, 13.5 min) and two object loads (1 and 2 Kg) were studied. Twelve male subjects were recruited to participate. Four muscles in the right upper limb were tested using surface electromyography. Heart rate and rating of fatigue were measured during the experiment. The experimental results showed that the rest period of 4.5 min, which was not the largest, could be the most efficient recovery level that might result in obtaining better muscle strength recovery and larger heart rate reduction with a shorter rest time. The study results provided fundamental work/rest pattern data that could be considered in early intervention strategies for muscle fatigue prevention at worksites. Limitations and recommendations regarding the current study were highlighted. Relevance to industry Upper limb repetitive manual load transfer tasks are common at worksites, and can result in work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The results from this study should be useful in work/rest scheduling for repetitive manual load transfer tasks.

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