Hardiness and Burnout in Adult U.S. Workers

Source avec lien : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, (En ligne). 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002448

L’épuisement professionnel est un problème coûteux, et il semble s’aggraver en raison des facteurs de stress liés au COVID. Il est donc important pour les organisations de trouver de meilleurs outils pour prévenir et atténuer l’épuisement professionnel des travailleurs.

Objective:  Burnout is a costly problem, and it appears to be getting worse due to COVID-related stressors. It is thus important for organizations to find better tools to prevent and mitigate worker burnout. Methods:  Conditional PROCESS path analysis was used to assess the relation of hardiness to burnout in a representative sample of U.S. workers, with sex and age as potential moderators. Results:  Hardiness is associated with reduced burnout symptoms. Sex did not moderate this relation. A moderating effect for age was observed, with more burnout appearing in younger, less hardy workers. Conclusions:  Findings suggest hardiness operates similarly for men and women as a buffer against burnout, and that older workers are less vulnerable to burnout. Training programs to increase stress appraisals and coping skills used by more experienced, hardy workers may be beneficial in reducing burnout.

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