Designing the post-pandemic hospital

Source avec lien : Health Facilities Management, 34(9).

Les hôpitaux sont dans le collimateur du monde entier depuis le début de la pandémie de COVID-19. Alors que la crise s’est atténuée dans certaines régions, quelles leçons ont été tirées en matière de conception et d’ingénierie ? En quoi les hôpitaux seront-ils différents à l’avenir ?

Hospitals have been in the world’s focus since the COVID-19 pandemic began. As the crisis has eased in some areas, what design and engineering lessons have been learned? How will hospitals be different going forward? An important overall issue that designers and engineers need to consider when updating their facilities post-COVID-19 is what the next potential pandemic will be. COVID-19 delivers its dangers via the air, but not all pathogens are transmitted that way. Ebola, for example, is easily spread by surface contact. Thus, an all-risk approach needs to be considered.

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