COVID-19 on New Primary Care Nurse Practitioners: A Qualitative Exploration

Source avec lien : The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, (En ligne). 10.1016/j.nurpra.2022.02.026

Les nouvelles infirmières praticiennes (IP) doivent faire face à la transition vers la pratique et à des sentiments d’incertitude concernant les rôles et les responsabilités. COVID-19 a ajouté une nouvelle couche de stress. Cette étude pilote a utilisé un concept d’étude de cas qualitative comprenant des entretiens semi-structurés avec 10 infirmières praticiennes nouvellement diplômées en soins primaires.

New nurse practitioners (NPs) struggle with the transition to practice and feelings of uncertainty concerning roles and responsibilities. COVID-19 has added a new layer of stress. This pilot study used a qualitative case study design featuring semistructured interviews of 10 newly graduated primary care NPs. Data analysis revealed 2 main themes: (1) emotional burden, and (2) coping and support. Emerging themes highlight the resiliency of NPs, who cope and seek support when faced with emotional burdens. This study informs educators and employers on the needs of new NPs during a global pandemic in order to better support the future workforce.

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