The Longest 10 Seconds: Safety requirements for safety showers and eyewash stations

Source avec lien : MCLEOD, Vince, « The Longest 10 Seconds: Safety requirements for safety showers and eyewash stations », Lab Manager, [En ligne :].

Après les hottes, les équipements de sécurité les plus importants en laboratoire sont les douches d’urgence et les douches oculaires. Mais savez-vous ce qui constitue une configuration correcte?

We understand, as laboratory managers and employees, that after the chemical fume hood our next most important safety items are the safety shower and eyewash station. But do you know what constitutes a proper setup? Which requirements apply? Where do we locate them? How much flow is needed? We hope these questions are pondered and answered well before the need for using your safety shower or eyewash station arises.

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