Palliative Care Professionals’ Inner Lives: Cross-Cultural Application of the Awareness Model of Self-Care

Source avec lien : Healthcare, 9(1), janvier 2021. 10.3390/healthcare9010081

Les qualités professionnelles de compassion n’ont traditionnellement pas reçu la plus grande attention dans les soins critiques ou de fin de vie. L’exposition constante à la mort, la pression du temps et la charge de travail, la gestion inadéquate des émotions personnelles, le deuil et la dépression exigent le développement d’un programme interne de compétences pour promouvoir la qualité de vie professionnelle et les soins compatissants. La pandémie COVID-19 souligne l’universalité de ces problèmes et la nécessité de se doter d’approches de mesure et de suivi rigoureusement validées qui permettent des comparaisons impartiales. L’objectif principal de cette étude était d’apporter des preuves sur la généralisabilité du modèle de sensibilisation à l’autogestion des soins dans trois systèmes de soins distincts.

Compassionate professional qualities traditionally have not received the most attention in either critical or end of life care. Constant exposure to death, time pressure and workload, inadequate coping with personal emotions, grieving, and depression urge the development of an inner curricula of competences to promote professional quality of life and compassionate care. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the universality of these problems and the need to equip ourselves with rigorously validated measurement and monitoring approaches that allow for unbiased comparisons. The main objective of this study was to offer evidence on the generalizability of the awareness model of self-care across three care systems under particular idiosyncrasy. Regarding the sample, 817 palliative care professionals from Spain, Argentina, and Brazil participated in this cross-sectional study using a multigroup structural equation modeling strategy. The measures showed good reliability in the three countries. When testing the multigroup model against the configural and constrained models, the assumptions were fulfilled, and only two relationships of the model revealed differences among contexts. The hypotheses posited by the awareness model of self-care were supported and a similar predictive power on the professional quality of life dimensions was found. Self-care, awareness, and coping with death were competences that remained outstanding no matter the country, resulting in optimism about the possibility of acting with more integrative approaches and campaigns by international policy-makers with the consensus of world healthcare organizations.

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