Nurse Practitioners Rising to the Challenge During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Long-Term Care Homes

Source avec lien : The Gerontologist, (gnab030), . 10.1093/geront/gnab030

Il est urgent de répondre aux carences de longue date en matière de ressources humaines dans le secteur des foyers de soins de longue durée (SLD), qui ont été mises en évidence par la pandémie de coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Les infirmières praticiennes (IP) représentent une solution efficace aux problèmes de ressources humaines. Pendant la pandémie actuelle, de nombreux directeurs médicaux des foyers de SLD ont travaillé de manière virtuelle afin de réduire le risque de transmission. En revanche, les infirmières praticiennes étaient présentes pour les soins en personne. Cette étude vise à comprendre le rôle des infirmières dans l’optimisation des soins aux résidents et le soutien au personnel des foyers de SLD pendant la pandémie.

There is an urgency to respond to the long-standing deficiencies in health human resources in the long-term care (LTC) home sector, which have been laid bare by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Nurse Practitioners (NPs) represent an efficient solution to human resource challenges. During the current pandemic, many Medical Directors in LTC homes worked virtually to reduce the risk of transmission. In contrast, NPs were present for in-person care. This study aims to understand the NPs’ roles in optimizing resident care and supporting LTC staff during the pandemic.This exploratory qualitative study employed a phenomenological approach. A purposive sample of 14 NPs working in LTC homes in Ontario, Canada was recruited. Data was generated using semi-structured interviews and examined using thematic analysis.Four categories relating to the NPs’ practices and experiences during the pandemic were identified: a) containing the spread of COVID-19; b) stepping in where needed; c) supporting staff and families; and d) establishing links between fragmented systems of care by acting as a liaison.The findings suggest that innovative models of care that include NPs in LTC homes are required moving forward. NPs embraced a multitude of roles in LTC homes, but the need to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 was central to how they prioritized their days. The pandemic clearly accentuated that NPs have a unique scope of practice, which positions them well to act as leaders and build capacity in LTC home.

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