Management of the deceased bariatric/obese patient

Source avec lien : International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility (SPHM), 9(1), Mar-19.

La cohorte croissante de patients bariatriques / obèses admis dans nos hôpitaux et mourants dans nos hôpitaux pose de nombreux problèmes aux méthodes de manipulation manuelle traditionnelles. Afin de protéger la dignité des patients bariatriques / obèses décédés dans notre organisation et de réduire les risques de blessures pour notre personnel et celui des services funéraires locaux lors de la récupération de ces patients, Bendigo Health a mis en place un protocole simple mais efficace et le matériel associé .

With the increasing obesity rates across the world, the challenges for additional care and support across all care providers in managing this cohort of patients is also increasing. What is often forgotten and not often discussed in the care for the obese person is the care required after death. Within the health industry, there is access to available equipment to assist with this care, or the choice to redirect care for those patients health facilities cannot manage to other better equipped/resourced facilities. However, for the deceased obese patient, the options for funeral directors may be very limited in both equipment and expertise. This article looks at the increasing prevalence of obesity within the community and outlines some of the complex challenges associated with the manual handling of the bariatric patient, in life and in death. It also offers a potential solution for the management of the deceased obese patient in a safe and dignified manner with the introduction of the Deceased Bariatric/Obese Pack.

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