Effect of therapeutic exercise routine on pain, disability, posture, and health status in dentists with chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial

Source avec lien : International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, (Prépublication), 10/25/2019. 10.1007/s00420-019-01480-x

Cette étude a examiné l’effet de l’exercice thérapeutique sur la douleur, l’incapacité, la posture et l’état de santé des femmes dentistes souffrant de douleurs chroniques au cou. Les auteurs ont constaté que l’exercice thérapeutique a réussi à soulager la douleur, l’incapacité, la posture et l’état de santé chez les femmes dentistes souffrant de douleurs chroniques au cou. Compte tenu de l’ampleur de l’effet extrêmement important de l’exercice thérapeutique, cette intervention a été recommandée pour le traitement des douleurs cervicales chez les patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques au cou, de mauvaise posture et de problèmes de santé.

Purpose – To investigate the effect of therapeutic exercise (TE) on pain, disability, posture, and health status in female dentists suffering from chronic neck pain (NP). Methods – 48 female dentists (40–45 years) suffering from NP were randomly divided into two experimental (n = 24) and control (n = 24) groups. Experimental group received 8 weeks of TE aimed to improve (1) muscle coordination and proprioception, (2) muscular endurance, and (3) muscle strength. Control group received no specific exercises. The pain, disability, posture (forward head and protracted shoulder angles), and health status were assessed at baseline and after an 8-week TE by visual analogue scale (VAS), neck disability index (NDI), photogrammetry, and self-rated general health questionnaire, respectively. Wilcoxon and Mann–Whitney non-parametric tests were used for statistical analysis. Results – There were significant between-group differences in neck pain [p = 0.003, 0.86 (0.09–1.65)], disability [p = 0.009, ES (95% CI) = 0.78 (0.020–1.37)], forward head angle [p = 0.039, ES (95% CI) = 0.61 (0.034–1.19)], protracted shoulder angle [p = 0.031, ES (95% CI) = 0.64 (0.062–1.22)], and health status [p = 0.022, ES (95% CI) = 0.68 (0.102–1.26)] favoring the corrective exercise group. There were significant within-group changes in pain, disability, posture, and health status in the experimental group. However, there were no within group changes in the control group. Conclusions – TEs successfully alleviated pain, disability, posture, and health status in female dentists suffering from chronic NP. Considering the extremely large effect size of TEs, this intervention was recommended to neck pain treatment in patients suffering from chronic NP, poor posture, and health problem.

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