Compliance with Recommendations on Work Schedule for Shift Nurses in South Korea

Source avec lien : Safety and Health at Work, (Prépublication), 27 janvier 2021. 10.1016/

Il a été rapporté qu’un horaire de travail par quarts bien conçu a un effet positif sur l’amélioration des problèmes de santé liés au travail par quarts. Cette étude visait à déterminer la conformité aux 17 recommandations sur les horaires de travail des infirmières et des infirmiers travaillant par quarts et les facteurs connexes.

Background A well-designed shift schedule has been reported to have a positive effect on improving health problems associated with shift work. This study aimed to identify compliance with the 17 recommendations on work schedule (WSRs) for shift nurses and related factors. Methods The descriptive study was conducted with 182 nurses who worked in three shifts more than one year at high level-general and general hospitals in three regions. Data was collected with self-administered questionnaire and 13 week-work schedule tables, and analyzed with both person-based and cycle-based compliance. Results Person-based compliance was 11.77 among 17 items in total. However, no one completely complied with WSRs of ‘no work on weekends’ and which showed the lowest cycle-based compliance (22.3%). Compliance with some WSRs was related to hospital type, proportion of nurses in school and having standards on work schedule at institutional level. Conclusion Compliance with WSRs of shift nurses in Korea is still unsatisfactory, and one day off after night shift and work on weekend are quite common. Hospitals should keep the standards on work schedule, monitor compliance with standards and try to introduce modified shift systems to improve the current problems.

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