How Can Health Care Organizations Address Burnout? A Description of the Dr. Lorna Breen Act Grantees

Source : American Journal of Public Health.
Burnout among health care workers has been rising for years and is associated with increased risk of job dissatisfaction, suicide, and poor patient outcomes.1–5 COVID-19 brought this issue to the forefront. By the end of 2021, more than 60% of physicians and advanced practice clinicians reported burnout, and in 2022, 45% of nurses reported feeling burned out, 51% emotionally drained, and 56% used up.6,7 In 2021, more than half of public health workers reported symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, and nearly a third reported an intention to leave their organization in the next year.

An Organizational Leadership Development Approach to Support Health Worker Mental Health

Source : American Journal of Public Health.
Coming at a time when burnout rates were already high, the COVID-19 pandemic physically and mentally further stressed our nation’s health care workforce, leading to record levels of burnout, moral distress, and moral injury. In response, Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy released an advisory on building a thriving health workforce in 2022 with the specific aim of targeting health worker burnout to improve health and well-being and strengthen the nation’s public health infrastructure. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra said, “We owe all health workers—from doctors to hospital custodial staff—an enormous debt. And as we can clearly see and hear throughout this Surgeon General’s Advisory, they’re telling us what our gratitude needs to look like: real support and systemic change that allows them to continue serving to the best of their abilities.”

Examining the Nurse Manager Practice Environment Effects on Burnout: Results of a Cross-sectional Multisite Study

Source : JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration.
This study examined the relationships between the dimensions of the nurse manager practice environment and burnout. Understanding the degree to which their practice environment characteristics impact their level of burnout is important to nursing manager retention.

Experiences of Frontline Managers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations for Organizational Resilience

Source : Healthcare.
The purpose of this paper was to examine frontline managers’ experiences and organizational leadership responses that activated organizational resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to learn for ongoing and future responses to healthcare crises.

AJPH Highlights Health Worker Mental Health

Source : CDC
The American Journal of Public Health recently published a special supplement with 15 articles focusing on health worker mental health. This special issue of the journal was sponsored and edited by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and stems from the health worker mental health initiative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIOSH. Research indicates health workers experience high levels of physical injury, harassment, stress, and burnout and many health workers intend to leave their positions or the field altogether. Protecting and supporting health worker mental health has important implications for the nation’s health system and our public health infrastructure.

Avis de l’Anses relatif à l’état des connaissances sur l’influence du travail à distance sur la santé des travailleurs

Source : Anses – Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail
L’Anses a été saisie le 25 mai 2021 par la CFTC pour réaliser une évaluation des risques pour la santé physique et mentale des travailleurs qui exercent leur travail à distance, en tenant compte de l’impact sur les conditions de travail. Cette demande est survenue dans un contexte où le travail à distance s’était rapidement développé pour les travailleurs français après l’évolution du cadre juridique et également lors des confinements successifs liés à la pandémie de Covid-19.

Exposition à un événement traumatique

Source : APCHQ
Chaque jour, les travailleurs de la construction courent le risque de vivre ou d’être témoin d’un accident grave. Blessé physiquement ou pas, tout le monde présent lors de l‘accident s’expose à subir un traumatisme psychologique. Une exposition à un événement traumatique peut faire naitre un trouble de stress post-traumatique.

On the Restorative Break: Understanding the Role of Break Room Design on Nurse Engagement and Satisfaction

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
Cette étude décrit un processus d’examen de l’emplacement et des commodités des espaces où les prestataires de soins directs peuvent prendre des pauses réparatrices.

Nurses’ Short-Term Sickness Absences Before and After the Implementation of a Brief Napping Opportunity During Night Shifts

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
L’objectif principal de l’hôpital en mettant en place des siestes nocturnes était de réduire la somnolence et la fatigue des infirmières, et c’est pourquoi les pratiques de sieste étaient recommandées.