A Qualitative Study to Identify Characteristics of a Desirable Training Program for Prevention of Occupational Skin Disease

Source avec lien : Annals of Work Exposures and Health, (wxaa111), . 10.1093/annweh/wxaa111

La formation et l’éducation peuvent être des stratégies efficaces pour la prévention de la dermatite de contact liée au travail. Bien que la littérature contienne des informations sur les expériences de formation spécifiques à la peau, il existe très peu d’informations sur les préférences des travailleurs en matière de contenu et de format, ainsi que sur les obstacles et les facilitateurs de la formation. Pour comprendre les expériences et les préférences des travailleurs en matière de formation sur le lieu de travail, ainsi que les obstacles et les facilitateurs de la formation, 24 patients atteints de dermatite de contact liée au travail ont participé à des entretiens semi-structurés après avoir obtenu des informations sur les expériences de formation, la perception de l’efficacité de la formation, les caractéristiques souhaitées de la formation, ainsi que les obstacles et les facilitateurs de la formation. Une analyse thématique inductive a été utilisée pour identifier les thèmes.

Training and education may be effective strategies for the prevention of work-related contact dermatitis. While there is some information in the literature related to skin-specific training experiences, there is very little information available on workers’ preferences related to content and format and to barriers and facilitators to training.To understand workers’ experiences and preferences for workplace training and barriers and facilitators to training.Following ethics approval, 24 patients with work-related contact dermatitis participated in semi-structured interviews obtaining information on training experiences, perceived training effectiveness, desired training characteristics, and barriers and facilitators to training. An inductive thematic analysis was used to identify themes.Though many workers had received general workplace health and safety training, none reported training about skin exposure and disease prevention. Examples of what the workers perceived as good training included first aid training, while Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training was felt to be ineffective. Desired content of training for preventing skin exposures included information on the hazards, short- and long-term health impacts, and potential symptoms and personal protective equipment. They desired multi-modal presentation (e.g. in-person and online supplement), hands-on training with visual content and suggested the use of personal stories and negative messaging. Training that could be applied outside the workplace was also valued. Barriers and facilitators to implementation included factors related to the training program itself, the organization, and the regulatory landscape.These findings can help to shape more effective workplace training programs for skin protection.

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